I was helping my dad today and it got me to thinking about where he was at my age and where I’m at in my life. He had twin boys who were 11 years of age, a great career and a wife who loved and supported him. I have none of these. Here is a person who was the first child born on free land in his family, high school education, Jim Crow laws and just plain tough time for a black man. Me: private school, college education and all the opportunities in the world. I’m not blaming anybody for the choices I made they are mine and mine alone. It just goes with my theme of the blog. I understand things are different now than back in the day (economic) and no jobs is safe. However, my dad had the sprit of the hustle and I was lazy when it came to making extra income. My reasoning is because I was making good money and like a lot of people I thought it was going to last forever (or at least for the next 20 years).
What happen to our generation did we get lazy, complacent, or were we just plain Spoiled. Is this the reason me and my circle of friends are down on life and where we are in this part of our journey of life. Could it be that we must learn to be humble to fully understand what is really important?
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