This blog is about me, you and everything in between. I though of this blog because of two conversations I had with friends of mine.
The first conversation was with a swinger friend of mine. We had just got done "having fun" when the pillow talk started to happen, she asked me "if I thought I would be in the situations where my life is right now." A couple of days later, one of my best friends and I got to talking and out of the blue he asked "if I thought I would be in the situations where my life is right now." To both of them I answered no, just like they answered no. This got me to thinking about if we feel this way how many other feel this way.
First lets get to my situation: Divorced (no children), unemployed (got let go in August), single (with no prospects), over the age of Forty. Don't get me wrong I thankful for all my blessing but I'm blogging about not being where I thought I would be.
This blog is my way of expressing my frustration, excitements, joy and sorrow to get WHERE I WANT TO BE !!!!!!!!!!! In the short and long term of my life and hopefully I will make you realize that we are all in the same boat, we just have to look over and see other passengers.